Which One of Your
Customer is Vulnerable

We Help You Identify & Manage Them Better.

What does vulnerability mean to you?

Is your customer someone who is unable to safeguard their welfare and the welfare of those dependent on them.

Vulnerability can come in a range of guises, and can be temporary, sparadic or permanent in nature. It is a fluid state  that needs a flexible, tailored response from companies. Many people in vulnerable situation would not diagnose themselves as ‘vulnerable’.

Vulnerability can have a severe  impact on a customer ability to deal with their finances. It is important that vulnerable  people are given the time, space and support for them  to deal with their situation.

The Vulnerability Problem

Four major problems the consumer servicing industry is facing

Customer Disengagement

Lack of transformative innovation for delivering fair and sustainable vulnerable customer outcomes

Identification and management of vulnerable customers

Turning innovation into industry wide practice

Vulnerability in Numbers


People Disabled or Long Term Sick


People with Sight Loss


People without Basic Reading, Writing & Numeracy Skills


People with Hearing Loss


People with Learning Disabilities


People Suffering from Cancer

1 in 4

People Who experience a Mental Health Problem Each Year


People with Pensionable Age

The Solution

Recognizing there is a problem is one thing, having the expertise to do something about it is another.

Sonex Financial specializes in individuals. We go the extra mile to engage with our clients cutomer building and nurturing relationships that are establish an effective pathway from the customer back to the client. We also provide innovative and focused solutions that truly consider the individual’s circumstances, delivering an outcome that is fair and sustainable. Setting the bench mark for industry best practice in dealing with vulnerable customers.

Want to Know More?

What We Do

Sonex Financial provide an industry leading specialist vulnerability service to vulnerable customers who find themselves in arrears. We work in partnership with our clients to provide a specialist and bespoke collections service to the most vulnerable customers who enter early stages of collections.


The aim of this partnership is to identify customers in vulnerable situations as early as possible providing support and resolution wherever possible. We provide a bespoke service unparalleled in the industry helping the most vulnerable in society to get back on track and prevent them from potentially worsening their financial situation.

As a Receivables Management company, we position ourselves differently from the rest of the market. We almost had to unlearn our decades of debt experience right down to our policy of only recruiting from outside the industry. We believe we are unique in what we do and it is important for us to demonstrate that what Sonex offer is not simply a variant of the typical DCA model. At Sonex we feel it is important to understand the underlying vulnerability and not just the label in order to achieve the correct outcomes and we are certain your customers will also agree.

Want to Know More?

Debt Advice


Free confidential and independent debt advice by telephone. Please phone 0808 808 4000


A charity offering free confidential debt advice and support to anyone worried about debt. Please phone 0800 138 1111 or visit www.carpuk.org


A national debt counselling charity with centers throughout UK. Please phone 01274 760720 or visit www.carpuk.org

Vulnerable Customers Management Solution

Vulnerable Customer Identification

Vulnerable Customer Solutions

Staff Training


Vulnerable Customer Identification

Policy & Procedure Development

Want to Know More?

Have we attempted
to contact you ?

Please call us on 0330 100 3667 quoting your account number or our reference number shown on the letter. A member of our specially questions to get a better understanding of your circumstances and work with you to find the best outcomes.

We are here to help you 8:00am to 8:00pm Monday to Thursday, 8:00am to 6:00pm Friday and 9:00am to 1:00pm Saturday